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Friday, July 20, 2007

Screen Buzz: Vulgar Comedy Of Ravi Babu!

Ravi Babu is the son of Chalapathi Rao and he boasted that his father has seniority in doing rapes on screen and hence taught him how to rape whiel acting in first rape scene in the film 'Sivayya'. That is the point to boast about a father by his son. This shows that Ravi Babu has vulgar mind set which he feels quite normal and acceptable.
He made the films 'Allari' and 'Ammayilu Abbaiyilu' that run on soft porn jokes here and there. Indeed, Allari is the best among his films. He made 'Soggadu' and 'Party' those toppled miserably.
Now he is making two films. One is on the lines of Hindi film 'Metro' with Nikitha and the other is 'Anasuya' on the lines of 'Page 3' with Bhoomika. Will he stick on to his vulgar comedy even in tehse films? Observers say 'Yes'. He made the script with a few elements those attract adults.
Indeed, that should be a unique treat from him.

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