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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy Days : Pichimaalokam perspective

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There is a saying, success succeeds like anything. Happy Days became a super hit in USA as well as in India. I hear that Happy Days ticket is selling at Rs 500 price in black at Viswanath, Kukatpally. I also heard people are giving standing ovations when Sekhar Kammula’s name pops up at the end of the movie.

Having said that, let’s see what is going on.

  • Some of the reviews mentioned how can Rajesh speak Telangaana when he is from proddutur.
  • Some say., few of the side actors did not act well.
  • Some say it has no story, some say it is not realistic.
  • Oh., It is not a mass movie and caters to only A centers.

I would like to ask all these folks.,!!

  • Can you stop a train and make it go back words by showing a finger.
  • Can a hero fight 100 people a at a time and casually kill them.
  • How can hero fly, run like a cheetah and jump on buildings.

Are they realistic!!

Movies are for entertainment. Irrespective of whether a movie is good or bad, the only term that works in the industry is success. When people accept a movie it is called a Hit. When they reject it is called a flop. These days every flop movie is also a hit and there are success meets where you can see director and the whole team lying. The other day a director was seen on TV speaking with half closed eyes, his hand on his heart , how his flop movie (with a festival name) is doing well in all centers. I feel like putting all these liars on polygraph tests.

Happy Days is a genuine hit. It is heartening to see when a good movie becomes a hit. Let us congratulate Sekhar for providing us with clean family entertainment. He is trying to make simple films, he had the guts to release it along with big movies. Let’s stop whining about why Pandu’s mother did not act well. Let’s stop crying about how can Juniors hit a senior. Every movie, every person, every one’s life has some glitches. What matters is did we do well over all.

We are all human beings, and no one is perfect. If every movie has to be perfect, no one can make one. Can you name a perfect movie. There is none. It is just like asking for a wife who looks like Aishwarya Rai and expecting her to cook well and sing too. It is just that unreal.

Please take a step back, relax and enjoy your life. Let’s stop brooding and enjoy Happy Days. If you cannot, Please take a walk. Take a break, be positive and be happy. We are all blessed to have someone like sekhar in telugu industry. If he can’t make perfect films, he is just making films that a segment of people really like.

Happy Days!!
O Pichimaalokam

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